Chapter 1 - Three words

VrajeshSayz: The origin

Chapter 1 - Three Words

VrajeshSayz: The Origin

Let us role the tape back to the locked up period. Amid the four walls in my room, the routine of attending class from bed became the new norm. Connecting us virtually while the physical bridges remained. It was during on of these sessions that creativity was at its peak.

Although the teacher’s voice echoed through the virtual class, my mind went on a journey into the realms of contemplation. The simplicity of the confined space was eager for a burst of creativity. In that moment, a simple thought bubble emerged into my mind - jot down three words that defined my sanity amidst this global pause.

“Explore, Dream, Conquer” appeared on the paper before me. Each word carrying its own share of weight of a personal manifesto.

To explore not only the physical landscapes out of the four walls that trapped me but also the uncharted territories of knowledge and self-discovery within.

Dreaming of not merely a non-pandemic future, but also of amibitious aspirations that transcended the limitations of the present.

Conquer, a call to action - a reminder to challenges, no matter how intense, were meant to be faced.

These words became more than just a spontaneous thought during a history class; they became a guiding philosophy, a reason to wake up in the morning, a mantra that fueled resilience and perseverance.

The paper went on my wall and as the days unfolded, the significance of “Explore, Dream Conquer” grew exponentially, shaping my mindset and influencing the narrative of my life thereafter.

And so, from the midst of a pandemic, within the walls of a room, emerged a trio of words that not only described my mindset but also caused the birth of something special. VrajeshSayz.


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